【May-29】Seminar: Fostering Academic-Industry Collaborations in Japan | Kenji Takeda

【May-29】Seminar: Fostering Academic-Industry Collaborations in Japan | Kenji Takeda

Dr. Kenji Takeda is Advisor and Auditor of Corundum Systems Biology, a collaborating company of this center. Tapping into his extensive leadership roles in academis (RIKEN), industry (Hitachi), and venture capital in Japan, Singapore, Silicon Valley, and Israel, he will propose ways for academic and industry researchers to build productive partnerships.

Date: Wed, 29 May 2024
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Location: OIST Lab 5 Seminar Room D23

For more details please refer to the below link.


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Seminar: Fostering Academic-Industry Collaborations in Japan | Kenji Takeda

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